Sunday 12 October 2008

Image (logo) Ideas

This image now contains a tear drop and automatically the image has become much more powerful than my first sketch. However as I drew this image without first doing the research, regarding how an oxygen mask actually looks, the oxygen mask looks quite unrealistic and denies the image of the powerful message that it should portray.

After researching what an oxygen mask looks like, I have now made the modifications to add some form of realistic aspect to the image. I have also made the tear drop look more effective, by simply adding more of a buldge to it. This cartoon-like feature makes the teardrop easier to understand, it also adds the exaggerated emotional theme that I want my logo to obtain. I decided against adding a nose and lips to the face as i felt that the most important features were the eyes, any other facial features would have clutered the image.

I want a logo that represents the idea of 'no smoking'. However I want to steer away from the conventional 'no smoking' logos and signs. I want to create and present something completely different which will, define and provide my project with it's own identity.

Although it is possible that these images aren't supposed to have thier own identity, they each are recognise by others as being the same. My logo must be different and should provoke a reaction from those who see it, as opposed to something that is just ignored like the logos and signs presented above. My logo must be different and should arrest the attention of viewers.

This is my new & final design for my logo.

My original design was a pencil drawing. I have simply made this image black and white using Photoshop, to mach the theme of my website project (which will black and red). As the colour black has negative connotations, this I feel corresponds with the idea of my project and it's logo (As shown above).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's happen to November? I can't see any development in your project.